Txting Scripture
Tonight we played a game with the youth that involved scripture, they basically had to text me, a specific bible verse, first one to get through to...
Leadership, Communication, Ministry Health, Spiritual Health & YM Systems and Structures
Tonight we played a game with the youth that involved scripture, they basically had to text me, a specific bible verse, first one to get through to...
Today was good, actually this weekend’s been pretty good. Chopped a lot of wood in the back (have about 2 chords), relaxed with the wife, watched...
I feel really blessed by God this week, being away last week I felt as if I had a boat load of things to accomplish this week. After trying many…
Kate and I arrived in California yesterday and man is it great to be back. I don’t think I could ever live here because I love the east coast, but…
I was gone this weekend at a wedding at the youth program went on without me. My absence from a weekend is a test as to whether or not Upward…
We are almost to our third weekend of programming and believe it or not things appear to be calming down. I’m in Rochester for a wedding this...
Last week I started attending this men’s small group called Iron men which is being held at Grace Fellowship Church right down the road from us....
It’s about one month away from the half marathon and we were supposed to do our 11 mile run, but with the rain, and doing it after work the run…
I’m sure a lot of people are blogging about today, and I’m sure it’s on a lot of people’s minds. I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since 9/11/01. I…
Yesterday some of the staff gathered to talk about how to best clarify our message, mission and vision to the entire church. After this past weekend...
Welcome weekend was a blast. We had over 3000 people at Nativity, the programs were a success; the numbers were good (68 at Ascent, 35 at...
The list of things I need to do by tomorrow has shortened drastically. All I need now is the following: peppermint sticks3 happy meals (which I’ll...