Chillin in the Tech Booth

I’m proud of my crowd ministers, because they took something that seemed so time consuming from me and took ownership. And not only have they taken something from my plate but they have taken it to a new level. Last night during the activity portion of the program I was able to sit back in the tech booth and just relax with the tech guys and observe everything that was going on. The teens seem to have fun and enjoy it and it is apparent that God is working through them.
I believe we have good strong teams in all of our programs, especially Ascent. In it’s first year the leaders have really embraced it and it’s going well. But I know in order for us to get stronger we need to grow more ministers. I probably need to meet more people and ask them to serve with youth, because if I can’t do that then how can I expect my ministers to do any recruiting? I’m not desperate for ministers I just want to be able to make sure that we can have a healthy ratio of adults to teens so that we can focus on the relationships that are being developed.

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