Have you ever doubted your ability to lead? Maybe it happened when something didn’t go according to plan, or maybe it felt like no one was listening. Doubt will creep in, but it shouldn’t linger.

How a leader becomes confident in his or her ability doesn’t happen overnight. Confidence is a choice that comes from developing a:
You’ll do what it takes for those that you love. A great leader loves the men and women he serves. To develop that love you need to spend time getting to know those you are trying to reach.
Step outside of your comfort zone and learn a little bit more about what drives them. Get to know their families and friends. Choose to open yourself up to them and build trust.
The love you have will give you the courage to make bold decisions. The love you have for the people you lead will give you the ability to make the necessary sacrifices.
Over time you’ll acquire wisdom; however, there is still much to learn. Leaders know that there is always something they do not know.
Make sure you are putting yourself in situations and surrounding yourself with people that will teach you something. Spend time studying new strategies and systems. Read about other leaders and apply it to your paradigm.
When you know there is still much to learn you won’t fear the unknown. Instead, you’ll see it as an opportunity to grow and that’s much more exciting.
Confidence sometimes needs to come from others. Leadership is not supposed to be lonely, it’s an opportunity surround yourself with people who will bring the best out of you.
Find men and women who can speak wisdom into your life and remind you of what’s important. They will help you take the big steps and overcome any fears you might be facing.
Nervous people tinker too much. They get involved in the details and will make something more complicated than it should be. Someone who is patient not only builds confidence but trust. They will have trust in those around them and in the systems, they’ve built.
If you have total confidence in God you’ll consistently squelch doubt. To build that faith you need to make your relationship with Him a priority. Talk to Him, listen to Him and get to know Him through scripture.
A true leader knows that he or she is never in control. They believe that God’s plan is the best one and will do what it takes to see it through.
You will face moments of doubt, but you can learn to overcome them by building confidence. Choose to be more confident by developing the characteristics of a bold leader. Not only will your leadership grow, but so will those around you.
What other characteristics would you add to this list? What makes a bold leader? [/reminider]