Expanding the Worship Paradigm

March starts in two days and that means that RISE our Good Friday Worship is only 5 weeks away. It’s exciting to see that happen and I really take no credit for it, but has been fun working with Kristin on it.
This year it will feature more music, dance and drama. We are hoping to create an art component; however, it is a little difficult to direct students in this department. Erik our Upward Ministries worship leader has been great going from a one man worship leader to a 5 piece worship band, Kristin has always done great at directing students interested in drama and she has built a great relationship with the students interested in dance. And Lucas has been awesome at building a tech team (literally from scratch) to highlight these events and even create worship components through technology.
The two areas in the creative arts world we would like to tackle next is writing and art. I know we have students in the church who are engaged in this area, it just is difficult to find loving adults who understand these two mediums and are willing to help the students connect their art with God. I’m hoping through events like RISE we can raise this awareness and I pray that God leads these people to us. And why would I doubt God, after all He has been really good to us.

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