One of My Giants

Last night after I got home from work I went over to a neighbors and had some dinner. I’ve lived in my house now for almost a year, I love my house, my neighborhood and the neighbors who I have met have been great. Slowly but surely I’m getting to know them and it’s been good. Yesterday I talked about Number 13-14 in “Facing the Giants” and I asked the questions, “What are you avoiding?” and I confess I had been avoiding really getting to know my neighbors. One thing I love talking about is my faith in Jesus Christ and living in a Jewish neighborhood I was avoiding the conflict that could happen. I was afraid, “What are they going to think of me?” But I realized it isn’t about me, it’s about God. And God wants us to share Jesus Christ with our neighbors, besides who am I to judge who gets to hear about Jesus and who doesn’t?
I had a good time last night, my neighbors are great people, I look forward to getting to know them and for them to get to know me. I hope I can be a great example of God’s love and a witness to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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