What You Need For Ministry Breakthrough

Anytime I get to treat myself to diner food is a good time.  Last week I had lunch with a fellow youth worker and all we did was share life….

Why Money Management Matters In Ministry

I apologize, I believe I forgot to wish some of you a Happy New Fiscal Year this past Friday. Maybe your fiscal year ends in December, but at my...

3 Steps To Take After The Holiday

Like me some of you are hurting from all the hamburgers, hot dogs and other junk you championed over the weekend…maybe not? It’s hard to have a long...

4th of July

Fight The Good Fight

Growing up in New Jersey I used to spend the 4th of July going to a Yankee game and then traveling to Manhattan to watch firework boom over the...

Ministers Are Like…

You know you are getting old when you have to think about whether or not you can stay up to watch a movie at 10pm.  The other night I joined…

What’s Your Approach To College Age Adults?

The hour at Dunkin Donuts just flew by, but the time was priceless. Over the last few weeks I’ve been trying to reconnect with returning college...

Take The Struggle Out Of Message Development

We do a lot of outsourcing in the summer which gives me the time to plan out a year of message writing.  If you are a youth worker that delivers…

The Church’s Role In A Teen’s Vocation

I hated the question when I was 18 and I hate the fact that I ask it to recent high school grads, “So where are you going to school?”  Then what gets…

What You Need To Eliminate In Your Ministry

I’m a little worried because I have a lot of junk in my office and rumor has it we’ll be doing a little office reshuffling this summer. To prepare...

Blog Series

What I’ve Learned Part 3: Unnecessary Conflict

Whether a student gets in trouble, a parent gives you negative feedback or the pastor is layering on the work load conflict is going to happen. Not...