
Signs You’re Becoming Bitter

I’ve become aware that during times of stress (personal or professional) that I have to be on top of my heart. Working with me during times of high...

Is Your Ministry All Talk?

If you are a leader one of the most (if not the most) important part of your job is communication. And while what you communicate is important all of...

3 Questions That Empower Your Teens

This summer has been full of meetings, trips and recruiting ministers. It’s been a most productive summer but I know once July starts to wind down...


6 Tips To Consistent Blogging

I don’t talk about it much because honestly as a youth minister it’s not something that’s required of our jobs. I don’t talk about my blogging...

The 5 Step Meeting

Last night was exciting because I got to eat tacos. Actually, it was really exciting because I got to meet with our family ministry leaders. Lisa...

The Hardest Part Of Your Job

My heart pounds faster, my throat closes up, what feels like an allergic reaction is really anxiety building over the tasks and projects that seem...

Losing Teens After The Trip

When I was a teenager I went on a retreat about an hour or two away from home.  It was a good time; however, the strongest memory from that trip…