3 Keys To Communication…just 3

Went for a run at 5am yesterday morning and two things stuck out.  It was really dark and, really loud.  With Hurricane Irene, many people still do not have power; therefore, they are relying on generators.  Because of these two factors I had a hard time seeing where I was going, and listening for cars that would be coming around the corner.  It made for a very unpleasant experience.

When it comes to communicating there is a lot of noise and blurriness in the way.  In order for our words to be heard and our message to be known we must be:

  • Clear: Figure out what it is you want to say and drive it home.  Ask yourself the question, “What do I want them to know?” If you have to have some read over your emails, edit your messages or overhear your phone calls.  
  • Consistent: Being consistent isn’t just about repeating yourself, it’s about your reliability.  Are you consistent when it comes to checking in with ministers?  Can parents expect to be updated about your programs? Are students being constantly invited to your ministry?  Consistency builds momentum and synergy.  To be consistent plan and schedule when and to whom you’ll communicate.
  • Creative:  Many of us are bombarded with so much email that we click delete if we aren’t engaged by the subject line.  Some of us rely heavily on just one form of communication.  In a world filled with so much noise we need to get our message to rise to the top.  To be creative with your communication, know your audience because you’ll know how to reach them.
Communication is an art, it’s one that needs practice and discipline.  If you aren’t clear, consistent and creative what you have to say (no matter how important) will get lost.
How do you mainly communicate to parents, teens, and/or ministers?  

What have you found is the best way to reach  parents, teens, and/or ministers?

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