What’s The Most Important Part Of Your Job?

I’m not sure if I’m subconsciously trying to be a Jack of all trades or just a really busy guy.  This week I have to write a message, meet with my team, set-up small groups, send an email out to parents and do a million other things.  It’s crazy and I know I’m not alone.  The way that I get through my craziness is by knowing the few things that I do best and delegate the rest (ha that rhymed!).  I know as the Director of Student Ministry at my church I must:

  1. Create Systems And Programs
  2. Recruit, and Develop Ministers
  3. Partner With Parents
  4. Mentor Teenagers
  5. Cast Vision And Mission

If you can’t sit down and lay out the 3-5 most important tasks in your day, it means you are disorganized.  If you don’t know what it is you need to do on a consistent basis to be successful, it means you are unfocused.  To discover those 3-5 responsibilities you need to ask yourself these three questions:

  1. What Am I Best At Doing? (Not Good, Best)
  2. Where Can I Replace Myself? (Delegate)
  3. Where Am I Irreplaceable? (Your Specific Purpose)

Again, there are other smaller (or not so small) tasks that we need to attend to; however, on a consistent basis this what do you need to do to be successful in this industry?  These five are mine, and maybe they are yours, but out of all them, which do you think is the most important?  Maybe it’s not one of these five maybe there is something more important not on the list.  But as youth ministers if there was only one thing you could do what would it be?

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