Blog Series

What I’ve Learned Part 1: I’m Not Alone

In yesterday’s post I shared with you a few of the things that I learned from this past year. Today and for the next few days I want to break…

Blog Series

What I Learned This Year In Ministry

It’s done…another year of ministry under my belt and emotions are going crazy in my heart and mind. A part of me is sad that it’s over, but then...

Where To Look When Review The Last Year

Today we wrap things up for the regular season (Sept – June). Meaning no more late Sunday and Thursday nights for me, which means a little bit of a...

What To Do Before You Handle Feedback

I’ve been told the retreat I take students on is disliked by everyone. I’m not a fan of absolute statements because it makes everyone look like a...

Setting Up New Ministers For Success

Over the last two weekends we’ve recruited 56 people to get involved in student ministry. That’s insane for us considering that’s how many people we...

Signs That Your Jokes Have Gone Too Far

Excuse me if I struggle with this post my back is sore from being thrown under a bus. At a meeting last night it was revealed that I was solely...

How To Speak To The Less Than Ideal Crowd

We’ve asked some of our high school seniors to give a testimony to our 5th and 6th graders explaining how they discovered their God given potential...


Are You A Bitter Youth Minister? 3 Ways To Check

Do you have that friend who always seems a little bitter…you know pessimistic? You ask, “How are you doing?” and they respond, “Things could be...