Hanging with the JV’s

So last night the Jesuit Volunteers for Baltimore arrived into town and as a Former Jesuit Volunteer I get the priveledge of leading Local...

The Buildup

It’s raining, and I love to work when it’s raining. My office is small, so when it’s dark and rainy outside and I have the light on I feel nice…

411 Jesus

It’s about 11pm on Sunday night and in 3 weekends youth programs will begin. I want to thank God for the information desk ministry. Today Elaine...

So You Think You Can Dance

So I’m watching So You Think You Can Dance (Don’t judge me) and they are in the final 4. One of the dancers danced to a Shawn McDonald song…I think…

Partnering with Parents

This past Thursday I met with a few of my leaders to discuss the upcoming year. I wanted to really pump them up so I talked about the win in…

The Power of Be…

Today was incredible. I’ve never been so proud of my teens before, never so proud about how they came together and took on the world. I have a good...

Be Good and Connect with God

Today was the second day of the conference and all the speakers did a really good job of handing off ownership to the teens. In the first session was...


So I’m back in California for the Student Leadership Conference at Saddleback Church and it’s nice to be here. There is something about coming out...

Sicko made me Sicko

I saw Sicko the new Michael Moore film tonight. It was like most Michael Moore films in where I feel powerful points were made; however, I found...

Bittersweet Ministry

As great as the summer has been going there are times where I feel as if this is not for me. Today would have been the birthday of a girl…

Investing in Ministry

I’m feeling better from a couple of days ago, when you are feeling bad, rely on God and He’ll most definitley pick you up. I’m getting really excited...

Bullied at age 26

Tonight I went to the Orioles game against the Yankees. It wasn’t a great experience. I enjoyed it because I got to see my Yankees play and I got to…