Dr. Chris is in the house…and no I’m not referring to myself.

This past Thursday Kate and I had a long discussion about our involvement in Church of the Nativity’s mission work in Nigeria. This summer our parish looks to take a trip over to serve the people of Jos at Faith Alive (http://www.faithalivenigeria.org/) and Sr. Orso (Sisters of the Poorest of the Poor) in Abuja. As much as we desire to go over I think God is telling us to help prepare the parish on the home front.
At CN Midweek Dr. Chris from Faith Alive spoke to those interested in our efforts (see nativity-nigeria.blogspot.com ). Just from the questions asked and the issues raised it became apparent how much we all still don’t know about HIV/AIDS, and the life of others in different countries. Not, that Kate and I have any extensive experience but we do feel the little experience we do have serving in Baltimore City can help this parish create a strong life long relationship with our brothers and sisters in Nigeria. And as we say as a parish it’s not about what we can do for them, but what they can do for us. The reason we are going over there is to get closer to God, to learn, to grow and to get better together.
Last night at program we had Dr. Chris speak to the middle school and high school teens. It was amazing, what can I say the man is amazing. He shared his testimony, his mission and his love of God with the teens and everyone in the room was blown away. Never have I heard someone so genuine and passionate about his faith. Last night was the third or fourth time I’ve heard his story but I tell you it never gets boring, he just has so much faith in God and so much to share with us. He told the teens that there were a few things that they could do to help out Nigeria. 1. Pray; 2. Use our God given gifts and talents and 3. Give support and money. He also encouraged the teens to live like the Good Samaritan, to reach out to those differently from us, to give people their time, money and efforts because you never know, the person you are helping could be Jesus. His message was full of love, hope and inspiration. I ask that everyone who is reading this to just continue to pray for Dr. Chris, Faith Alive, and all the people of Nigeria.

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