Drive 08 Session #3

With lack of Internet at home and Wednesday being a travel day of the conference it was a little difficult getting this post up. But on the last day of the Drive 08 Conference Andy Stanley gave the closing remarks. Originally he wanted to speak about vision, but I guess he had some heavy thoughts that he wanted to share. I’m glad he did because in a way they were some things that had been on my mind. He called his talk, “Recent Random Thoughts on Church Leadership”…here they are:

1. “To reach people no one else is reaching we must do things no one else is doing”
– With this thought Andy wanted us to ask questions that reflected the people that surround our church, who goes and who doesn’t? Who knows Jesus and who doesn’t? The challenge he gave us for this thought was to become preoccupied with those you are trying to reach opposed to those you are trying to keep.

2. “The next generation product almost never comes from the previous generation.”
-Here we are asked to ponder what the next generation of ministry is going to look like. This thought focused on vision casting and dreaming about where ministry was going. We tend to have a tendency to fight trends in church because we feel that they are the way of the world. But as Andy says, “You can fight or fund what is next.” The challenge he gave us was to be a student and not a critic.

3. “What do I believe is impossible to do in my field, but if it could be done would fundamentally change my business?”
-What is the problem in your ministry that if someone figures out will shift the paradigm? Basically, what is that obstacle, that mystery that needs to be figured out to revolutionize the church, take it to the next level? Sometimes we hold on to things, systems or people because it is safe; however, it’s holding us back from breaking through. We should strive to figure out how to think outside the box. The challenge Andy gave us was to pay attention to the people who are breaking the rules.

4. “If we got kicked out and the board brought in a new CEO what would he do? Why don’t we just walk out the door, come back in, and do it ourselves?”
– Everyone needs to take a fresh look at what they are doing. Often we get caught up in doing the same things, getting stuck in the same problems, coming to the same conclusions. The result of this is a cycle of stagnant ministry. What are you attached to? What’s are you holding on to, what are you doing that you shouldn’t be doing, what controls your ministry and is it working? Andy stated that “We rarely get serious about change until there is no money.” Three questions to ask:
– What is in decline?
– Where are we manufacturing energy?
– What are your underlying assumptions?
The challenge Andy laid forth was to acknowledge what is not working. Own up to why you are unwilling to do anything.

5. “When your memories exceed your dreams the end is near.”
– Success can lead to complacency which can lead to failure. Sometimes we get caught up in the good ole times and forget that there is a lot of work to do. It’s great to appreciate your blessings; however, don’t get filled with pride, realize God’s work is never done. Andy closed out the session with this challenge he said, “Don’t let success or momentum overshadow your vision. Keep the vision out front.”

What is breaking your heart that is breaking God’s heart as well…and what are you going to do about it?

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