Get Your Ministry Buzz Going
Are there people in your church that don’t know about your youth ministry? Are there parents and teenagers that don’t know? I used to get annoyed...
Leadership, Communication, Ministry Health, Spiritual Health & YM Systems and Structures
Are there people in your church that don’t know about your youth ministry? Are there parents and teenagers that don’t know? I used to get annoyed...
There it sat on my desk, a brand new box filled with resources. I opened it up, got excited by all the available content and then immediately felt...
It was 2 am and I needed to talk with someone.
The emails and phone calls were pouring in and they all asked the same question,
I couldn’t believe it, the kid was walking away. Just a few moments ago a teen was walking up to our ministry, tried a door that happened to be...
In college, I found myself in the midst of a faith crisis wondering if there was something more to church than what I was experiencing. In walked the...
If your ministry ceased to exist how would it impact the community? When you think about that question does it cause:
PA-RENTS…I mean…we got to love them, but sometimes it’s a struggle. Even those of us who are parents have a hard time serving them, especially when...
You finally get people to show up to your planning meeting. You are ready to take the ministry to the next level. But, you’re nervous. Your nervous...
People are watching more video (Check out the stats here) which begs the question, “How does that impact your ministry?” Video is a highly effective...
As a communicator nothing is more discouraging than a disengaged audience. While it’s easy to blame the audience the truth is that the speaker owns...
When you have a problem with a coworker how do you handle it? Do you ignore it, or fight back? While you can’t avoid it, how you deal with it…