
How To Be Heard Above All The Noise

As a communicator nothing is more discouraging than a disengaged audience. While it’s easy to blame the audience the truth is that the speaker owns the moment.

Distractions and noise are a part of every day life. To communicate with a fully focused audience is a rare occasion. If you want to be heard above the noise you need to:


If only one person could hear your message who would that be? Is it someone that is:

  • Lost and needs to hear your message?
  • A potential leader who needs to be inspired?
  • Hurt and needs healing word?

To find your target audience look at the people who need to be reached in your community. Think about what occupies their time and finances. Address their needs and desires.

When you know your audience you are able to speak to them with compassion and empathy. They’ll see you as authentic and an audience that feels known is going to listen.


If people walk away confused it’s because your message wasn’t clear. Three questions that every communicator needs to answer before they speak are:

  • What do you want them to know?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • How are you going to help them succeed?

Anything else is a waste of time and energy. The purpose of your communication is to get people to change and grow in God’s image.

If you are unsure of your bottom line try to sum up your message in a sentence. It will force you to get to your point quickly which people will love.


Whether you are teaching or leading a meeting you are asking people to make a sacrifice. You are asking them to give up their time, energy, or money to do something different.

Your message is an invitation to do something bigger. It should include an action step with a big vision. Give your audience an idea of how their life will improve. Leave them wanting the full life God promises them.


Passion attracts passion and confidence builds confidence. To speak passionately and confidently you not only need to believe what you preach but know it well. That comes from:

  • Having others review your materials
  • Practicing your delivery 
  • Committing as much as possible to memory

When you own your message people will listen because they want to follow someone who is confident in what they do.

Your speaking is an important part of your leadership. Don’t try to wing it and always work at it. The effort you pour into it will matter. Not only will people listen but they’ll follow your lead.

What are some best practices have improved your speaking?

Additional Reasources To Help With Your Communication:

Communicating for a Change by Andy Stanley, and Lane Jones

Speaking to Teenagers by Doug Fields and Duffy Robbins

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