Is Your Youth Ministry Physically Healthy?

I took a deep breath and said a little prayer, “God, don’t let this button snap off my pants.” As much as I hated to admit it, my ice cream…

Is Your Ministry Built On Privilege?

As a white man who grew up in an affluent area of the country, I have to remind myself often that I’m privileged. There are decisions I’ve never had...

What Should Remote Ministry Look Like?

We all got a taste of remote learning these last few months. If you have kids, you saw schools adapt their classrooms and school work into digital...

What’s Fueling Your Leadership?

When you think about the qualities of a leader, what comes to your mind? I typically get responses like CREATIVITY, HUMILITY, and COURAGE. Maybe a...

Why This Summer Should Be Different

They took the netting off of our neighborhood park’s playground. It’s just in time for summer. It’s been nice to see some things open up, and even if...


Why Ministry Leaders Need To Talk To Strangers

I sighed as I looked at the list. I’m so bad at making cold calls to strangers. One, I can’t see the person’s expression, and I don’t know what I’m…


Are You Afraid Of The Change That Must Happen?

s There are some nights I feel completely overwhelmed. As I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling fan, wide awake, I wonder, “How am I going to fix...

Why Racism Is A Ministry Issue

Marathon Youth Ministry exists to create healthier leaders and stronger ministry structures that will commission the younger generation of disciples...