Your First 10 Years In Youth Ministry

Doug Fields’ excellent book Your First Two Years in Youth Ministry is a great road map to the often-bumpy territory of a novice youth minister’s...

Why Your Ministry Needs To Be Mobile

As I headed up the driveway, I could see the whole family emerge from the house. It was a weird experience to be greeted by the family, but when you…

How To Train Your Volunteers Remotely

It felt like our parents had just busted us. Standing at the door of our youth space was a teenager staring at us, confused. Most weeks, this...

Are You Able To Handle The Feedback To Lead?

It’s so much easier when people agree with me. I don’t have to worry about proving a point or getting buy-in. But the best part of people jumping on...

Why We All Need A Break

I’ve had my moments where I’ve thought about getting in my car and driving. Works stress on top of quarantine will do that to you. It’s been...

Are You Mourning Youth Ministry This Fall?

I was chatting with one of our team members last week, and she said something that hit me hard, “Chris, youth ministers, and DRE’s are grieving the...