How To Get Ahead Of Another Ministry Shutdown

It’s hard to ignore, but the numbers and news of COVID-19 outbreaks trend in the wrong direction. And it feels like the worst timing with the holidays approaching, and the ability to go outside is limited. I know from talking to many youth ministers that another shutdown seems like the worst thing in the world; however, it can be another opportunity to strengthen your ministry.

In March of this year (2020), we were all caught by surprise, many of us had to pivot, learn new technology on-the-go, and it was painful. However, we can take a proactive approach, get ahead of the trend so that we are not surviving, but thriving through social and safe distancing. To get ahead of the situation:


Our ministry will be wrapping up in 2020 over the next couple of weeks. We want to take the majority of December and January to rest and refuel. No matter what your ministry looked like this fall, it was probably emotionally and physically draining. You, your team, and even the families you serve need a break.

Not only does your ministry need a break, but everyone needs the margin to process the holidays. People who usually travel are staying at home. Family and friends will be missing from our dinner tables. There will be fewer parties, fewer festivities, and it’s going to be a lot to process. Use this season breathe, and take a step back so that you are ready for 2021.


How did your ministry do this fall? What went well? What could have been better? Sit down with your volunteers, a few of the parents and teens and have an honest conversation. A few areas you might want to cover:

  • Communication. Did people feel in the know? Did you have the best data for communicating? Where can you improve.
  • Content. Was the content relevant? Were you able to address the needs, fears, and questions of the young church?
  • Context. If you were virtual, did you use the right platform? If you met in person, were the guidelines clear?
  • Cost. Were you prudent with your resources? With budgets tightening, it’s crucial to wise with what we have.

Give yourself a grade and work with your team on an improvement plan for next year. Develop a few action steps and create them as goals. If you are looking for help, check out our YM Assessment Tool HERE.


In addition to evaluating your ministry, this is the time to try something new. It might be looking at group messaging tools to enhance communication. You might want to start video-based newsletters or creating a care package ministry. Embrace the limitations, and don’t be afraid to look outside of church ministry to inspire you (Our YM Kits were inspired by all the subscription boxes available)

To effectively BETA test, get your team together and brainstorm ideas. Come up with a project or initiative that you can test out over the next few weeks. Even if an idea seems small or simple, go for it. Make sure you set goals so that you can measure its effectiveness. Whatever the idea, run with it, and don’t worry if it fails because the experience will move you forward.


It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you lose sight of the vision God has placed on your heart. As you enter this season, take time to pray and listen to the prompts of the Holy Spirit. Advent’s season is a perfect reminder that great faith during uncertain times can lead to joy, peace, hope, and love. Zechariah, Joseph, Mary, and so many others trusted God, despite the risks and the unknown.

Look at the vision statement for your ministry or parish. Get together with your team and invite them to pray over the vision together. Pray over the students, their families, and remind one another that what you are doing is more than adolescent programming. By revisiting the vision, you’ll make stronger decisions regarding the ministry in the new year.

Is another shutdown imminent? That all depends on where you live and what leadership decides. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for them to keep your ministry moving. Take advantage of the change by pivoting your approach and getting ahead for 2021. While it’s uncertain what the new year will look like, you’ll be rested and prepared to take on the obstacles it might bring.

What is your plan for the remainder of 2020? For more on this topic, check out The Church Podcast Episode 160: Planning For Another Shutdown HERE

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