How Is Your Church Approaching Mental Health?
Our youth ministry recently held a Q&A session with our pastor. The purpose of the event was to increase interactions between youth and leadership in...
Leadership, Communication, Ministry Health, Spiritual Health & YM Systems and Structures
Our youth ministry recently held a Q&A session with our pastor. The purpose of the event was to increase interactions between youth and leadership in...
A few weeks ago, we took many middle school students to a ropes course for some team building and fellowship. One of the most entertaining parts of...
Our parish has a few job vacancies. We were hoping to fill them right away, but it’s taking a while. The big problem is that no one is even applying….
I wanted to get there sooner. After three years of youth ministry at my current parish, I considered moving on to something else. I was not seeing...
Our youth ministry team started to huddle after the youth program last week. I was unsure how they would feel sticking around for another 45 minutes,...
I love seeing young families at Mass. I’m not sure if that’s a sign of getting older, but watching little kids crawl all over the pews, make their...
I could hear the concern in my Confirmation Advisor’s voice. She was worried about a candidate in her small group who never participated. The...
As I looked around the room, I found myself wondering how I would make this meeting happen. The majority of parents who had shown up to our parent’s...
I was chatting with a catechist this past weekend about coming back after a year away. She told me that while she had enjoyed teaching kindergarten...
Tonight my small group of high school guys gets going again, and I’m ecstatic. First, it’ll be good to welcome back a few of the returners, and then...
It was the end of the night, and the last of the teens were leaving the program. As I looked at the mess left behind, I thought to myself, “I’m…
I got into youth ministry for the money. I had just completed a year of missionary work with the Jesuit Volunteers, and I was looking for a job. I...