best practices

Embracing the Digital World With Ministry

Explore the intersection of faith and tech in Embracing the Digital World In Ministry. Discover how modern tools can enrich ministry engagement.

best practices

Three Secrets To Stronger Small Groups For Teens

Strengthen your small groups with impactful tips: prioritize prayer, active listening, & meaningful connections. Build resilient disciples together.

best practices

Lessons from Hybrid Youth Ministry

Maybe you’ve heard the buzzwords from our colleagues in education (or the talking heads talking about education) this past year: hybrid scheduling,...


Who Are Your Best People?

When I first started in ministry 8 years ago I inherited about 15 volunteers. While my team has grown, only one of my original volunteers remain....

best practices

4 Tips To Better Prepare Your Messages

Courtesy of SimonDeanMedia/Creative Commons License If you don’t communicate clearly and effectively you will struggle in youth ministry. Whether...

best practices

Watch Yourself

Courtesy of .reid./Creative Commons License In college I had a small stint as a disc jockey for the campus radio station. It was a cool idea,...

best practices

3 Best Practices For Speaking

Courtesy of visual.dichotomy/Creative Commons Licenses In my first year of high school ministry I received some feedback that I wasn’t ready to hear....

best practices

Are You Reactive Or Proactive?

Everyone likes to be ahead.  When you are ahead you feel more in control, you feel like you are at a manageable pace and life is good.  To fall behind…