Blog Series

From Good to Great Youth Ministry Part #2

In this 7 part series we are breaking down Jim Collins’ book Good to Great and how it can apply to Youth Ministry. Jim Collins wrote this book by...

Blog Series

From Good to Great Youth Ministry Part 1

So I’m in my third go of reading Jim Collins’ book Good to Great. This is a book I find that has helped me organize and simplify the youth ministry…

Wii are Going To Die…eventually

This week has started off slowly… mainly due to the fact that we are recovering from Easter Sunday….and okay a crazy March Madness weekend. But in...

The Next Step

Tonight was an awesome night for programming. It’s been a while since I blogged but that just has to do with all the madness happening. But anyway,...

Messy Christmas

It’s been three days since Christmas Eve and I’m at peace with the exception of the whole world around me spinning. I’m fine, I don’t really know...

Finding our Identity

Now that program is on a two week break for Christmas and New Years, I’m taking the time to put our New Year Series and Lenten Series together. When...

Wins in Ministry

Tonight was an awesome night for both the high school and middle school programs. The format was similar with the exception of a dramatization to...

Christmas is getting closer

Now as I recover from my hang over of Breakfast with Santa, I quickly work on getting ready for the rest of Christmas. And while most of think about...

The Snow in Baltimore looks like Rain

Hey, so it’s raining in Baltimore, while it’s snows in the rest of the North East…but then again is this the north east? Anyway, another night of...

The Bare Naked Truth/Power of Sex

I was going to post my points, but we are currently working on taking the recordings and putting them to CD for the parents. I’m sure I’ll make an...