What To Look For When Buying Resources

I have a problem.  I have way too many resources at my disposal.  I know, it’s not that big of a problem, but it’s starting to feel like my office…

What Would You Do? Handling Disruptive Teens

Let’s say you are about to give a message to a room full of middle school students as you usually do and as always they are a little rowdy.  Before…

The Other Guys: Are you jealous of them?

Last night a parent asked me, “Do you all do something social on Fridays for your teens like so and so’s church?” 6 years ago that question would...

Why People Have No Interest In Your Ministry

I asked this teen after church one day if he wanted to come to our high school worship on Thursdays, he hesitantly replied, “I guess.” That’s when...

Easily Distracted? Read this or…ooh a bird

Ever catch yourself writing something on your laptop, while talking on the phone and the television is on in the background? Yeah, that’s been me a...

How Not To Recruit Potential Minsiters

I need about 10 more ministers until I can take over the world…or maybe it’s 50…or maybe I don’t know that number, because as soon as I hit a number,…

How To Get Them To Do What You Want Them To Do

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could be picky about who serves in your ministry? It would wouldn’t it because then you would guarantee yourself a team of...