Why Your Ministry Should Only Be 3 People

I don’t know maybe this is revolutionary, maybe not for you, but for me it is (at least at 1am).  What if we (youth ministers) just focused on 3 teens…

Before You Leave Make Sure You…

“Oh man, I totally forgot.” Stinks when you realize that you forgot to do that thing before you left for vacation, the weekend or a conference....

Let Them Fail

I think I messed up.  A teenager gave me a form that needed to be filled out, signed and handed back to them in 5 minutes and I did it….

Why Your Youth Ministry May Be Disgusting

I love and hate buffets. It doesn’t matter if it’s China, Indian, Continental, whatever, I love them and hate them. I love them because of the many...

Why You Feel Defensive

Have you ever wanted to pick a fight with someone?  You know what I mean, like walk up to them, shove them and say, “Let’s get this on!”  Yeah, me…

Who’s Had The Greatest Impact On You?

Who’s had the greatest impact on you? Your mom, dad…youth pastor? I don’t tend to think about that question on a regular basis, but I should. Who I...

I Want To Be Rejected By My Ministry

I wonder what would happen if I quit tomorrow?  Not that I would but I do wonder when it’s time to hang up my youth ministry hat, what will happen…

Meetings That Kill

There are times when I love meeting with people and there are times when I absolutely hate it. Why the range in emotions? It’s because I don’t like...

Why We Wear Many Hats

I’m done with kids…well not really, but as of Tuesday I’m done being the interim Director of Children’s Ministry with Lisa coming back from maternity...

Why You Need To Fail

I failed to complete my first marathon (I passed out on the 24th mile).  I failed to get the first job I applied for after college and I failed at…