building a team

Hiring for Ministry: Beyond Qualifications

Discover what truly qualifies someone for ministry beyond degrees and experience. Find out how to hire the right fit for a healthy team environment.

building a team

Why Does Your Team Stick Around?

Learn how to keep your ministry team engaged and committed with strategies like showing appreciation, investing in their training, and giving them...

Building A Dynamic Team Of Volunteers

Make Serving In Your Ministry Easier

Build a resilient ministry team: Invest in discipleship, offer clarity, celebrate wins, and foster growth. Enhance retention and strengthen culture.

building a team

Are You Having Fun With Your Ministry?

Rediscover joy in ministry: Recharge, celebrate wins, lead from a full heart, and integrate fun into your strategy. Become a better leader with...

children ministry

3 Values You Want Your Volunteers To Embrace

Need volunteers? Sometimes it's not just about finding the right people but incorporating values that help them see why your ministry exists.

building a team

Your Summer Recruitment Plan For Volunteers

With schools letting out, it’s tempting to shut things down in the summer, plan a few camps, and rest before the fall season roars into our lives....

building a team

Do You Really Know Why Your Ministry Exists?

Why does your youth ministry exist? What purpose does it serve in your community? If it ceased to exist would anyone care? The WHY question is a big...