Developing the Next Generation Leader

I was feeling a little overwhelmed recently, I believe it’s due to a number of things, one being the amount of work that I feel needs to be done. In…

The Switch

The days are quickly counting down until the kickoff, I know I have some nerves. I just learned back to school is that evening, which mostly affects...

A Letter to the Students

I want to write this to all the students in Baltimore County who begin school today. Dear Students, I’m sure when mom, dad or your alarm woke you up...

Persistence, Consistence and Authenticity

Parents seem a little happier, kids a little gloomier… it must mean school starts tomorrow. I’m excited, I’m looking forward to it. I’ve seen a lot...

Money Managing Students

I had my adult small group last night and we went off topic. A lot of the group was missing so it ended up just being dinner and fellowship. One…

Fall 09 Lineup

The first three student series of the year are really coming together: MapMyFaith (A series on vision), Generation Change (working title for our...

What I’ve Learned from Speaking at Big Church

I’ve learned a lot from the last two weeks of speaking in front of big church. This is what I have: I don’t necessarily need a script, I can memorize…

Traveling the Revolutionary Road

Watched the movie Revolutionary Road (Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslett, Kathy Bates) last night and it put me in a pensive mood (Not a good idea...


I’m about an hour away from giving the first message of the weekend. I’m feeling a little wiped due to moving two people and running 18 miles on...

Random Anticipation Thoughts

Three weeks until we kickoff and I feel as if I’m going to explode because I’ve been so consumed by so many things. I guess the first thing is making…

Cracking Open His Word

I was just getting out my car today ready to start a full days of work when I ran into an older church member. She complimented me on my message…

Objective and Application

I had a writing meeting last night and it was the first time we had the big group together. I had met two weeks ago with a few people to…