Developing the Next Generation Leader
I was feeling a little overwhelmed recently, I believe it’s due to a number of things, one being the amount of work that I feel needs to be done. In…
Leadership, Communication, Ministry Health, Spiritual Health & YM Systems and Structures
I was feeling a little overwhelmed recently, I believe it’s due to a number of things, one being the amount of work that I feel needs to be done. In…
The days are quickly counting down until the kickoff, I know I have some nerves. I just learned back to school is that evening, which mostly affects...
I want to write this to all the students in Baltimore County who begin school today. Dear Students, I’m sure when mom, dad or your alarm woke you up...
Parents seem a little happier, kids a little gloomier… it must mean school starts tomorrow. I’m excited, I’m looking forward to it. I’ve seen a lot...
I had my adult small group last night and we went off topic. A lot of the group was missing so it ended up just being dinner and fellowship. One…
The first three student series of the year are really coming together: MapMyFaith (A series on vision), Generation Change (working title for our...
I’ve learned a lot from the last two weeks of speaking in front of big church. This is what I have: I don’t necessarily need a script, I can memorize…
Watched the movie Revolutionary Road (Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslett, Kathy Bates) last night and it put me in a pensive mood (Not a good idea...
I’m about an hour away from giving the first message of the weekend. I’m feeling a little wiped due to moving two people and running 18 miles on...
Three weeks until we kickoff and I feel as if I’m going to explode because I’ve been so consumed by so many things. I guess the first thing is making…
I was just getting out my car today ready to start a full days of work when I ran into an older church member. She complimented me on my message…
I had a writing meeting last night and it was the first time we had the big group together. I had met two weeks ago with a few people to…