As a small group leader of a high school and middle school guys group I’ve seen life change. It’s been moving as an adult to see a teen open up about his faith and say something totally moving. I love small groups, but I wouldn’t say it’s the solution to our ministry woes.
We have to be careful in youth ministry not to get locked on a particular type of model or strategy. It’s easy for us to find something that works and proclaim, “I’ve found the secret formula!”
When it comes to youth ministry there is no secret sauce but there are a ton of ingredients when used right can make something fantastic. In addition to small groups I think youth ministry’s need:
Intentional formation for adult volunteers
Whether it’s small groups, one on one mentoring or just having adults serve pizza you need to make sure they are growing in their faith too. At my last parish we had in our vision statement GROWING DISCIPLES WHO ARE GROWING DISCIPLES. Basically if you want to grow disciples of the next generation you need to make sure the adults who lead them are growing as well. That means:
- Helping them understand the Truths about their faith
- Providing resources to learn about the next generation
- Mentoring and coaching them so they can balance work and volunteer life
In less than a week we’ll be opening up enrollment for our new cohort MYM Huddle: Build a Dynamic Team of Volunteers. During the Jump Start Your Ministry This Fall Webinar I’ll have more details, you won’t want to miss out. Sign up HERE today.
Outside the comfort zone outreach experiences
In addition to small groups you can challenge the way teens think about life and their faith through service opportunities like:
- Mission trips abroad and national
- Partnering with local organizations tackling issues within the community
Expand their view of what it means to love God and others by showing them how the church gets involved in the world. It’ll grow their hearts and help them look at different ways of sharing the Gospel. It’ll also increase their sense of purpose in the world by showing them that they can accomplish something at a young age.
To offer an invitation to tackle real life issues
Teens are absorbing so much information. Between what’s online and what they learn in school the noise can be deafening. I believe one of the ways to sift through it is by allowing them opportunities to process it.
Instead of building a ministry where you just speak to teenagers, give them projects. Make the themes of those projects real life issues. Guide them and mentor them through the process. Teach them how to work as a team and how to problem solve.
While they might not fix a particular issue they will learn how to work as a church community and think outside of the box. Because they will do it in the context of the church they will bring that experience with them into future opportunities.
Opportunities to connect to the larger church
Being a part of a youth based community is important. You want your teenagers forming healthy peer relationships, but it cannot stop there. While small groups form meaningful relationships, connecting them to the rest of the congregation will help them feel a part of something bigger.
Get teens serving on the weekends alongside of men, women and teens. Put them in charge of the younger children and show them the value of intergenerational relationships and what it means to be a contributor on Sunday.
The more connected they feel to the local church, the more likely they’ll continue to be a part of one past high school. Name those opportunities, and figure out an onboarding process to get them there.
Small groups are important, and every youth ministry should have them, but they are only one component. Get creative and go beyond small groups to help your youth grow.
If you haven’t already signed up for the August 14th and 15th webinar Jump Start Your Ministry For The Fall, don’t hesitate. We’ll be discussing more of this and looking at ways to help your team grow stronger. It’s free and anyone who signs up will receive a 50% discount off all MYM downloadable resources. To register click below:
Sign Up For The Webinar Today
What other ingredients belong in the secret sauce of youth ministry?