ministry health

Why Networking is Essential for Ministry Leaders

Today, the Tenx10 Summit in Dallas, Texas, is wrapping up. I've been taking in a lot of information, much of which I hope to share with you in the coming weeks. The biggest takeaway for me has been the realization that I’m not alone in this mission. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of church leaders who are walking this journey with me.

The idea of reaching ten million young people over the next ten years is daunting, but it only feels that way if we try to tackle it on our own.

I don’t attend enough of these gatherings, and this week has reminded me just how important networking and connecting with other youth workers and ministry leaders really is. If there’s one thing everyone in ministry should prioritize, it’s the relationships they have with others in this field. Networking is crucial because it will:

Challenge Our Conventional Way of Thinking

Whether it's connecting with colleagues from my own denomination or others, I find that listening to different perspectives and ideas pushes me out of my comfort zone. It’s in these moments that I realize God is encouraging me to think or act differently about my role as a ministry leader.

To open myself up to this kind of collaboration, I make it a priority to attend workshops, and conferences, and schedule "coffee" time with my peers. It’s about asking them to share their stories and exploring what they are learning in the field. The more I learn from them, the more it adds to my own experience.

Introduce Us to New Resources and Opportunities

In addition to challenging my thinking, networking with other ministry leaders introduces me to new resources and approaches to ministry. It might be a book, podcast, video, or article that helps me grow in my own formation.

When I connect with others in the mission field, I discover opportunities that help me grow deeper in my career.

Often, the best way to access these resources is by enrolling in memberships where networking is a priority. As a Catholic, the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry has been one of those valuable communities, as well as the Tenx10 initiative. While some organizations may have fees, the investment is worth it for the access and opportunities they provide.

Remind Us That We Are Not Alone in Our Mission

One of the biggest challenges ministry leaders face is isolation. The busyness and pressures of the job can create tunnel vision, causing us to lose sight of the supportive community around us.

I believe one of the reasons I’ve stayed in ministry for so long is because of the partnerships and friendships I’ve developed with fellow leaders.

When you network, you build relationships with people who not only pray with you but also understand the challenges you face. They’ll celebrate your accomplishments in ways that people outside of ministry might not fully appreciate. Networking reminds us that we are all part of the Body of Christ. While our approaches to ministry may be unique, we are called to work together.

Don’t go through ministry alone. Don’t believe the myth that you’re in this by yourself. Strengthen your ministry by learning from and walking alongside others in the field. Allow them to challenge you and lift you up when times get tough.

The more we collaborate, the better we’ll be at reaching the next generation.

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