Why Volunteers Leave Your Program

Losing a volunteer is never easy. It does not matter the reason because it can always feel personal. The question you need to answer is, “Is there something I could have done to prevent them from leaving?”

There are some situations that are completely out of our control.  When life happens and people change it’s only natural to move on.  It’s in those situations where you need to make sure the person does not feel guilty for leaving.  But, then there are the situations you can control.  What about them?  

The reason a volunteer will leave your ministry is because:


Your volunteers are men and women with full time commitments pouring into your ministry. They have jobs, families, and hobbies.  It’s easy to feel like you know them because you see them each week.  The truth is that you only get a sample of who they are.

Invest in your leaders by getting to know them. It doesn’t mean you have to become best friends with all of them. Just start by:

  • Knowing the names of their immediate family.
  • Acknowledging important dates (i.e. anniversaries or birthdays)
  • Getting to know their hobbies.

When your volunteer feels known they’ll more likely return the investment you’ve made in them.


Frustrated volunteers will leave.  One of the biggest sources of frustration they’ll experience is being underutilized.  They are making a commitment to serve, do not waste their time.

That means laying out expectations, and responsibilities. Communicate them as often as you can. Place them in a document and send it out.  Make sure volunteers are never wondering, “What am I doing here?


Do your volunteers feel appreciated?  Beyond a simple thank you how have you shown them that you are grateful for their service? Your volunteers want to know that what they do matters.  Simple steps you can do to show them that appreciation is by:

  • Writing them a thank you note.
  • Giving them a reward (i.e. gift card) for their work.
  • Brag about them in front of others.

While you won’t be able to do this for everyone, you should still do it for someone.  Thank your volunteers for what they do and never assume that they know it already.


Your team needs to know why they are doing what they are doing.  It’s a big question because it means having a purpose. Volunteers not only need clear roles, they need clear vision.  As the leader of the ministry you need to show them the bigger picture. 

A vision will help them through the rough days. It will remind them why they are important to the movement of the church. Cast vision regularly so you give them a reason to come back each week.

Your volunteers need to last for the long haul.  The more people you have stick around long term, the more it’s going to help you. Invest in your team. Give them a reason to stay.  Let them know how much they matter.

[reminder] How do you invest in your volunteers? [/reminder]

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