How To Battle Self-Doubt In Your Ministry

It could be the greatest night of ministry ever, but you don’t feel that way.  You can’t explain why you didn’t enjoy it like your volunteers or teens did.  All you hear is a voice telling you, “It wasn’t good enough.”

One of the biggest battles a youth minister will face is self-doubt.  It hits us all, even in times of great success. While we cannot always control it’s source there are some actions we can take to move through it.  If you are battling self-doubt or questioning your ability to lead look at:


Each week you are pouring into teenagers, and families.  You are investing in the next generation and serving as a companion on a long faith journey.  The question you need to answer is, “Who’s pouring into you?”

You need to find support whether it’s through:

  • Coaching
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Small Group

Or, all of the above.  Either way you need people pouring into you the way you pour into others.


Knowledge is power, but it’s also confidence.  A leader needs to be a learner.  Make sure you are:

  • Reading books on the craft
  • Attending conferences and workshops
  • Networking with other youth workers

Grow where you can so you can build the confidence to do your job.  And learn to be okay with not knowing everything.  As a leader you need to be always growing.


When we lose our “WHY” we lose our purpose.  Why are you doing what you are doing?  The answer comes from a vision.  God has a vision for your ministry and He wants you to embrace it.

If you don’t have a vision take some time with some trusted ministers to develop one for your ministry.  If you have one revisit it and reflect on what it looks like in five or ten years.  Don’t forget your vision.


As a leader you will feel periods of loneliness.  But, the loneliness shouldn’t linger.  As a youth minister you need to remind yourself that ministry cannot be done on your own.

On top of a coach and network you need men and women willing to serve alongside of you.  These people can pick you up and carry the ball when you cannot go farther.  They are the investment to expand your capacity and take your ministry to a new level.  When you have team the burden gets shared.


It’s easy to forget that youth ministry is a job and it doesn’t exempt you from building your relationship with Christ.  In fact sometimes you have to work a little bit harder.

As a youth minister and a follower of Christ you need to make sure you are diving into scripture, taking time to be with God and observing a real Sabbath.  The more you can connect with God the more you can hear His affirming voice.

Youth ministry will have it’s low points.  But, you just need to keep moving through it.  There will be times when it gets better.  There will be times when you will feel God’s presence and know you are exactly where you should be.

[reminder]  How do you fight doubt and depression in youth ministry? [/reminder]

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