Traveling the Revolutionary Road

Watched the movie Revolutionary Road (Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslett, Kathy Bates) last night and it put me in a pensive mood (Not a good idea before bed). It was a well done movie, very intense, great acting, it follows a married couple living in the suburbs and their struggle to find happiness. They feel trapped living the suburbia life, almost feel fooled for believing that where they lived would bring them true happiness; therefore, they try to escape it and later accept it.

The movie made me think about the message I’m giving this weekend, where I’m encouraging others to think about the story they are living. Sometimes we find ourselves a part of a story that leads to nowhere, goes around and around and doesn’t bear any fruit. When we realize that God has a story for us and we grasp onto that story, our life gets direction and a destination filled with so much hope, so much greatness. Last night’s movie was an extreme situation but it reminded me of how there are so many of us, living the wrong story.

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