Window Revelation or is it Renovation

Kate and I almost bought windows last night. We didn’t because we aren’t ready, we hadn’t really shopped around, the deal was good, but we weren’t sure if it was the best deal. It’s not like we were really looking to get windows now, it’s just that we were offered a free estimate and we decided to see how much it would cost.

The way it happened is two men came over they gave an awesome sales pitch and really took time to get to know us. One thing that struck me throughout the interaction was how much I began to feel comfortable and like these guys. I believe this is because they were more about the customer than they were about the sale. In fact it was really hard for me to turn them down because I felt as if I was not rejecting a window but them.

I know this might be a funny story but the reason I wanted to reflect on this is because what they did is what we need to do in church. We need to make the relationships we build with others the priority because we know our relationship with God is such a great thing. It’s not about getting people to accept Christ instantly, but making sure they are feeling loved, welcomed and accepted by the whole community. The salesmen were authentic and genuine. They were aggressive but not pushy and they really believed in their product. They knew in the end it wasn’t whether or not they made the sale that day but that they had laid enough of an impression where we would give them a call when we were ready to accept window renovations into our house.

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