Blog Series

There’s No Peace on This Channel

I can be a television junky…in fact I think a lot of us can. I get into work pretty early, which allows me to leave most days at a time,…

Blog Series

Letting It Flow

I have this little copper pipe in my office to help me think about what flows through me. In life we are influenced by a lot and while we can’t…

Blog Series

It Snowed Therefore I Ran

It snowed; therefore, I ran. One of my favorite things to do in the winter is run when it’s snowing. There is just something about running in the...

Running in the Mud

I fell on my run this morning. I was doing a short run (4 miles) and it was within the first mile that I took my spill…right in the mud….

Advent Conspiracy

The Conspiracy Begins

There have been a lot of breaks in my speaking and there will be a few more. Outside Ascent I’ll only be speaking once between now and our Christmas...

Getting Rid of the Stump

I’m stumped. I’m looking at what I need to keep doing and what I need to stop doing in order to narrow the focus and do fewer things to make…

Breaking Out the Clutter

This is the week that Kate and I start decorating the house for Christmas, it’s nothing different from what the usual family does. We go into our...

Advent Conspiracy

H2O, H2O, H2O

Thanksgiving is over. Generation Change is over and now it’s time to move to Christmas (I know the majority of the country has already been in...

The Day Before The Day Before.

It’s the day before, the day before Thanksgiving and it’s that time where I feel like I have to get everything done, because there will be two less...

Generation Change Week 5

We closed out Generation Change last night with Stewardship Sunday. The series lasted 5 weeks, in Uprising (high school) and Resurrection (7th/8th)...

Serving in Stride

I felt like the world’s biggest kid on Friday. I was invited to go on a ride along with one of my ministers who is a police officer…actually I asked…

Wasting The Margin

I don’t know about you but I’m wiped. It’s been 4 weeks since I spoke at Uprising and when you give a message there is a lot of physical, spiritual…