If They Made A Movie About Your Ministry

I’m not sure who I would have play me…maybe Mark Ruffalo?  I don’t know he’s too old to play me.  I know I’m not alone, but there are times I’m…

Having Fun With Ministers

I’m not sure how to take it when someone asks me, “Chris, you look serious.” and I respond, “What I can’t be serious?” and then at that point they...

How Whining Can Help Your Ministry

There’s a diner up in Avalon, NJ that sells t-shirts with a no whining symbol on it.  I was tempted to buy it for my ministry, but then decided it…

Why Communication Breaks Down

When I was a kid my friends and I would play a game where we would go underwater and try to talk to one another.  Most times it would turn…

Plan Your Summer Before Everyone Leaves

I don’t know about you but year after year I tell myself the same lie, “You have the whole summer to figure that out.” I don’t know if it’s due to...


What You Do When You Are Tired

Today is a break for me; therefore, I rest.  No wisdom for me to share except that once in a while a rest is needed, even if it isn’t planned….

Happy Easter: Now Keep Moving

Today we celebrate the resurrection of His Son and the fulfillment of God’s plan. I’m not sure what your church does, but our church gets crazy....

These Ministers You Want To Have

It was a little sad, but I definitely feel at peace. Today I had a conversation with two awesome ministry leaders (and very close friends) about...

How To Fight

One of the worst practices one can have is checking voice mail and email first thing in the morning. For all you know there may be a ticking time...

What It Means To Be Limited

It hurts not to be able to do more.  There is a part of me that wants to be able to go the extra mile with these students.  A part…

Meeting the Deadlines

Advice to anyone who has to collect applications, never make two different applications due on the same day…it’s crazy. I don’t know if you are like...

Rebound From A Long Weekend

There are some Monday mornings when I wake up feeling like a freight train has just collided with my body. Body, mind and spirit are all wiped. There...