What To Ask When Problem Solving With Others

I’m the type of person who will run into trouble without thinking of the consequences. This can be very heroic and very moronic at the same time. I...

Are You Running On Empty?

With a race coming up I’m practicing some of my runs without fueling beforehand. It’s not with any of my long runs, just the short ones. The reason...

How Eating Your Lunch Affects Your Ministry

I made the mistake of eating chili for lunch yesterday. Fortunately, nothing traumatic happened, but let’s just say my stomach has had better days....

How To Make Your Ministry Innovative

I’ll admit that I was sad over the news of Steve Jobs passing.  My wife and I spent a little time on youtube watching montages that told the story of…

Making Church Matter

In a month our church is doing something we’ve never done before…host a conference. Yeah, it’s a little crazy; but, very exciting at the same time....

3 Avoidable Mistakes We Make

A few years back I had an appointment to meet with another youth minister just starting out in their church. The drive to the church was an easy...

How To Address A Problem

When I saw the puddle of water on the floor my heart sank.  It had only been 3 months since I had fixed that shower valves in my bathroom when…

Clean It Up

Spent most of my Saturday clearing out a pile of sticks in my backyard. The pile had been accumulating for 3 years, so let’s just say it was huge....

Protecting Your Calendar

It depresses me when I look up at my calendar to see that I’m booked every weekend for the next three months. It doesn’t matter if it involves...

Build Your Strongest Ministry Team

I was a three season athlete all throughout Middle and High School. I loved playing sports despite not being excellent at any of them. What I loved...

Creating The Culture

Our pastor asked the staff to start thinking about the culture that is being created in the office. Nothing is wrong, he just wanted us to reflect on...