Hang Time With God

It’s such a beautiful day out and I’m probably going to do some yard stuff, cook a little, go for a run and then later tonight I’ll watch Xavier take on Portland St. It’s nice to know that for the next 6 weeks I really don’t have anything planned on my days off (no retreats, student events, etc.) Most people I don’t think realize but Friday and Saturday are my days off, I work Sunday through Thursday. On Fridays I try to make that my day with the Lord while Kate is at work and so I’m home alone. It’s hard, it’s really hard to have a day where I’m not working and I’m just rejuvenating myself to be with God. In fact I often have to think about what am I doing in this day that is really helping me spend time and abide in the Lord.
I think we have a habit (or at least I do) of making our weekend a time to get everything we have to get done, done. I think it’s a real challenge to take a whole day and use it to deepen our relationship with Christ. How each of us does that is different, but I have question for those of you not sure if you are honoring the Sabbath or not, “Is what you do with your ‘free time’ making you feel closer to God?” Not sure? Take a moment to ask God.

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