Series: Party for Jesus (Invite) 12.04.05

I’m stuffed, I had so much to eat for Thanksgiving, it was so ridiculous. I’m still trying to get through all the left overs. Not only did I get a lot to eat I also got plenty of sleep which is great because I need to save my energy, there is so much to in terms of preparation. Now as most of you know Christmas is coming up and you should all be aware that in a few weeks we will have someone joining us. Who? Well, Jesus of course and I just want to let you all know we will be throwing a, “Party for Jesus” and You Have All Received an Invitation.
During the Christmas season we can be stressed and exhausted before Christmas day even arrives. To plan a “Party for Jesus” we need to be in the right frame of mind. We need to make sure we invite the right people, make wise decisions about when and where, pick a theme and stick to it and lastly get people excited about this party. In a way planning for a “Party for Jesus” is like learning to be more virtuous. Confused? Let me explain:

There is no limit so invite everyone.
Virtue – Justice
Leviticus 19:15 – “You shall not act dishonestly in rendering judgment. Show neither partiality to the weak nor deference to the mighty, but judge your fellow men justly.”

– Since this is a party is for Christ, because Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, we need to make sure everyone knows about it. Jesus came to this earth to show us God’s will and Jesus is the only one who judges what we do is right or wrong. God created everyone equal and loves everyone regardless of who they are, that is why it is our responsibility to invite everyone. If there are people you don’t get along with then use the virtue of justice to help you overcome the obstacles that come inbetween you. Learn to forgive and to love especially those who are your enemies.

Make wise decisions, you don’t want to get in trouble beforehand.
Virtue – Prudence
Proverbs 14:16-17 – “The wise man is cautious and shuns evil; the fool is reckless and sure of himself. The quick-tempered man makes a fool of himself, but the prudent man is at peace.”

-When we plan this party we need to be wise. We can’t put a large party like this in a small building, we can’t put it the day after Christmas or the week after, we need to make decisions that will make this party pure and genuine. You cannot go through a day and avoid making any decisions. Sometimes these decisions are bigger than others. The virtue of prudence is what we need to use to get through all the tough choices we make in life. Prudence allows us to talk to God and seek his advice. It is never good to make quick decisions in haste, prudence gives us the ability to think about the consequences and outcomes of the paths we choose to take. For this party we have plenty of time; therefore, let’s not rush in making our decisions.

Don’t be distracted, focus on getting ready.
Virtue – Temperance

Sirach 18:30 – “Go not after your lusts, but keep your desires in check.”

– Temperance will help us see that this party is about Jesus, not about the hype, not about the presents, not about the food, it’s all about Jesus. Christmas is the perfect time of year to get caught up in the commercialism and forget that this is all about the birth of Jesus. We get tempted to over spend, we get distracted from what this season is all about. Planning this party we need to remember that this isn’t just any old party, so let’s not worry about food, games, music, etc. Let’s focus on how we can best praise and celebrate Jesus.

Relax, people will have a good time, it’s in God’s hands.
Virtue – Fortitude

John 16:33 – “I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.”

– Fortitude is the strength, the power and the confidence we all need to get through the stress, to get through the chaos of throwing this party. As we all know we are in the midst of the Christmas season. Things are so crazy right now. Sometimes we worry so much that we end up tiring ourselves out. Whether it is planning a party or living life we should always remember to rely on God.

These four virtues stem from the 3 theological virtues of Faith, Charity and Hope. In order to achieve these three we must live out justice, prudence, temperance and fortitude.

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