Focused Simplicity

This Sunday is the Youth Ministry Gathering for our leaders and I’m struggling putting this message together. I don’t know if it’s because time has just flown by or if I’m not sure exactly how to say what I want to say.
I want our leaders to be really proud of themselves because this last year was great, but I also want to motivate them in raising the bar for this upcoming year. I think we make ministry too complicated and too vague. When you are having problems recruiting, it’s probably because you are too vague in explaining what you want from them. If you can’t give people specific tasks and specific goals they can easily get lost, confused, disengaged and burnt out. When you are having problems moving forward it can because you are too complex. Meaning there are too many things that need to happen in order for someone to succeed. If you haven’t taken the time to explain a certain task, then you are going to lose some people in the complexity of the ministry.
This is why as a ministry leader I need to work on focused simplicity. That means being clear, precise and laying out the steps so that my ministers feel and are successful in what they do.

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