big picture

Do You Give Yourself The Opportunity To Dream About Your Ministry?

Do you know what your ministry is going to be doing in 3 years? It’s a question we don’t spend enough time on because we don’t even know what our ministry is going to do this summer or next fall. It’s also a question we need to spend more time on because it helps you stay ahead of the curve and make better decisions in the short term.

When you know where you are going it helps us prioritize, become more effective and efficient. That’s because our priorities remind us what matters and it clarifies why we do what we do and how it matters. To get there you need to dream big and if you have never given yourself the opportunity to dream or think big then try:


You need to give yourself a couple of minutes each week, a few hours each month and a day or two each year to think ahead. For me it looks like this:

Saturday morning (over coffee) I’m looking at last week and the week ahead. Reflecting on what went well and looking at what needs to get done. This is all determined by my monthly goals.

One day a month (usually towards the end) I take a few hours to pray, journal and look at what God has in store for me over the next few weeks. I ask myself whether or not I’m maintaining healthy habits and what needs my focus.

At least one day a year (usually during the summer) I’ll do a mini-pilgrimage in Baltimore City. I’ll hit up my favorite coffee shops, go to daily Mass, and spend some time praying and journaling. I want to review my monthly goals and look at where God is calling me.

Planning days away takes practice and building a rhythm. If you miss a week don’t worry just get back into it the following one. Don’t worry about feeling awkward and if you feel like it’s a waste of time that will change eventually. Getting in the practice of planning days to recalibrate trains your mind to look at the bigger picture.


We all know that we need help in our ministry, but we often limit that to recruiting doers. Our ministries require that we have dreamers who will challenge our ideas and fuel them at the same time. These men and women can serve in a variety of roles, but make sure at least one or two of them are a part of your strategic leadership team. Have them do exercises with you to think about who you are trying to reach and where you believe God is calling the ministry. Not only will they help you problem solve, but they’ll be able to reignite your enthusiasm when it hits a rough spot.

Need resources for your strategic leadership team? Check out the MYM Store HERE


One of the best ways to get unstuck is by expanding your mind. While rest and prayer help us do that we sometimes need to step outside of our comfort zone to really help the ministry grow. That means reading books, attending workshops and conferences that are from different worlds. It also means learning from leaders who think and act differently from you.

Whether it’s a book or a conference process the experience by journaling your thoughts. Think about how you feel, what you’ve learned and what might be applicable. Be sure to bring your team along for the journey so that you aren’t processing the information alone.


After you spend time processing all the information you’ve collected don’t be afraid to write out your plans for the future. Set a reminder in your calendar to reevaluate it and don’t be afraid to make adjustments. It’ll be a great resource for showing your pastor where you’re heading and how the ministry is growing. Use it as a tool to evaluate how you’ve grown as a leader. Let it be a reminder where God is leading you to something bigger.

When we can think big picture we can give ourselves an opportunity to pause and refocus on what matters most. You’ll find yourself creating a healthier pace which will allow you to invest in more leaders, spend more time making a difference and ensuring that you are there to see that dream come into fruition.

How are you spending the time to dream big?

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