Break in the Heat

My run this morning was really enjoyable because I didn’t have to worry as much about dehydration, it was only 65 degrees. Today marks a break in the...

It’s All About Me

Today I’m giving my second big church message, this time about the church and how it is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. At first I saw this...

When I Was A Teen

Today I’m hoping to meet with students to discuss with them anger and priorities. Not that the two go together…they don’t but what they do have in...


Bully the Bully

This morning on the Today show they were talking about the suicide of the girl up in South Hadley Massachusetts. It is believed that the girl...

Micro Machine Message

Do you remember those old micro machine commercials? The one with the guy who talks a mile a minute? Growing up I remember thinking, “How cool would...

I Can’t Do This On My Own

This past weekend was a joy for me because I got to speak in big church (something I haven’t done since last year).  It was my turn to speak in…

The Silence of Eli

Watched the Book of Eli yesterday, I enjoyed it tremendously. I tend to enjoy the post apocalyptic movies when people are trying to figure out how to...

On Hold From Doing God’s Work

After 40 minutes on hold and 15 minutes with the tech support of my Internet provider we eventually discovered that service was down in my area due...

Assembly Required But Complicated

I don’t know how you are but I’m not a fan of assembling furniture.  I follow the directions, I make sure I have all the tools, I guess I’m just…

Newspaper Prophets

Last night I met with a couple of my key leaders.  Had them over for dinner for some pizza and then a little vision casting for the year.  There was…

Locked Out

Again this weekend I headed out to Ohio for the Franciscan High School Conference, which again was a blast. This group of students like the last...

Itching to Get Mad

One thing that makes me angry is poison ivy. Anyone who has ever had it, knows that it stinks. It’s not the itchy, burning part that bothers me, it’s...