How To Stop Feeling Unprepared

Last year before I ran in the Baltimore Marathon, my wife and I left with what we thought was plenty of time only to get stuck in traffic a mile…

The Monsters of Ministry

In about 2 weeks we’ll be kicking off the fall season for student ministry. I’m looking forward to seeing the students on a regular basis, starting a...

Best Prep Means Best Results

I used to paint houses when I was in college.  At the time it was good pay but a lot of hard work.  Getting to work at 6:30am and not…

The Business of Making Ministry Like a Family

We have something like 50 ministers in our student ministry (5th -12th grade), that’s a significant change from when I first started with 12...

College Ministry = Continued Ministry

I had breakfast with some of the students who graduated from high school this past Spring. It was a little sad because this would be my last time...

Book Review

BOOK REVIEW: How Did You Do It, Truett?

Last week my wife and I got invited to a Premier Night for a new Chick-Fil-A opening up in Hunt Valley, MD.  How I got invited is a long story…