
Why Your Communication Needs To Be More Intentional

There are certain seasons throughout the year when interacting with parents and teens is easy. They would reach out to me when there was a need or a question about enrolling in a program or camp. I would see people on the weekend, so it was simple to get information, check-in, and see how people were doing. While connecting with teens was challenging; however, there were certain outlets, but now they are gone.

During this quarantine communicating and connecting with teens and their families has taken a little more effort because the strategy has changed. While it’s tempting to only rely on email, we have to be a bit more creative and aggressive. Fortunately, the technology to help us communicate in different ways is possible, but if you don’t have the right approach, it can still create a lot of noise. At the same time, quarantine is an opportunity to reexamine our communication strategy so that when things open up, we don’t fall back into our same old habits.

If you want to reach people during quarantine, you have to do more than shoot out an email or social media post about a virtual gathering. Instead, you need to:


When can people expect to hear from you? Where and how are you going to communicate the essential information? Usually, the best two methods are your websites and a newsletter. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of us with control over our websites. If that’s the case, create that conversation. While learning a new technology is intimidating, some resources and tutorials can take away some of the pain.

When it comes to a newsletter, keep it simple by making it:

  • Visually Appealing. Include pictures from the ministry or graphics (Make awesome ones on Canva). 
  • Scannable. Create headers and incorporate lists that give people the bottom line.
  • Utilize Video. If possible, record your announcements in the video. While people might not have time to read, they could listen.

Be consistent and send it out weekly so that people know when to expect it. Let people know where and how they can access the essential information about your ministry. The more consistent you are with your message, the more confident people will be in your ability to lead.


Not that people need another meeting, but they don’t mind when you are asking them how you are doing. Make it a priority to schedule phone calls and virtual gatherings (eventually in person) where you can ask questions and cultivate dialogue. It’s important to talk with people in the community outside of a programmatic format because that’s where the real conversations can occur. Ask people what’s going on in their homes, neighborhoods, and schools.

When you intentionally reach out to people during the week, it’ll set you up for better conversations after Mass or during your youth ministry gatherings. It takes away the small talk and allows for more in-depth conversations, which lead to deeper and more life-changing discussions.

Don’t get too busy to talk to people.  Carve out time in your schedule to answer the question:

How can we best connect with people when we don’t see them regularly?

Bring your team together and share the responsibilities. Utilize gifts, strengths, and different mediums so that people know that you care and that they are in your prayers.

What does an intentional communication strategy look like for your ministry?

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