What’s Your Sweet Spot In Ministry?

As I approached the finish line I was amazed by my time.  This past Saturday I ran in the Baltimore Running Festival’s Half Marathon in which I posted a PR (personal record) of 1:41:11.  I had told my wife that I would finish under 2 hours assuming that I would run about an 8:30 minute/mile; however, that was not the case.  What blew my mind about Saturday’s run was not a new PR but that I found my race.  As a runner I find a lot of joy in doing a half marathon.  13.1 miles is a run where I need to work hard; yet, enjoy at the same time.
When it comes to youth ministry I believe we all have an area where we excel.  It’s an area that can be challenging; however, at the same time we know it’s where we are supposed to be.  For you that area might be:


  • Giving A Message: You love to story tell.  You love to bring students the Truth by engaging them in a message designed specifically for them.  If this is where you feel at home you need to nurture it by listening to other speakers, studying performance and storytelling.  For you it’s not just about transmitting information but engaging young hearts in a faith journey.
  • One On One: Small groups are too big, you like meeting that teen for a bite to eat or a cup of coffee.  It’s about reaching out and listening to what’s happening in their life.  You know what they need most is a caring adult, not a talking head so you listen intently as they share their world with you.  One of the best ways to create this environment in your ministry is through a mentoring model.  Make it purposeful by picking a path (curriculum) to follow.
  • Writing Out A Plan: You enjoy behind the scenes, creating the faith journey map or writing out a Bible study.  Sometimes you feel like your impact is made on paper, supporting other youth workers and volunteers who want to guide teens.  To hone your skill it’s all about reading great literature and writing consistently.
  • Missions: You feel faith in action is powerful in more ways than you can describe.  It’s about getting your hands dirty and giving teens the experience of a life time.  To build on your desire to Go And Make Disciples you share your passion to build compassion.
  • Small Groups:  You see small, tight knit communities as the foundation to a real church movement.  You  see that it’s not only important to have adults pouring into teens, but their peers as well.  Small groups aren’t just a Bible study or a social hour, they are a place where man can sharpen man just as iron sharpens iron.  To make this a center point of your ministry you need to make sure that small groups don’t just meet once a week, but do life together constantly.



How you do ministry is going to be different from the way that I do ministry.  There really is no wrong way as long as God is at the center.  What you need to do is recognize the strengths of what you, your ministry and church have to offer and focus.  We won’t be able to accomplish everything that ministry needs to tackle; however, with commitment, consistence and focus we can make a great impact for the Kingdom of God.

Which area attracts you the most?

Is there one you would add?

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