What Is The Value Of A Volunteer?

After our Confirmation class on Sunday, I ask my team to stay online for a few minutes to debrief and check-in. Most weeks, that time is filled with questions, but this past week there were many more comments, particularly positive ones. It left me smiling, and I expressed my gratitude, telling them, “As crazy as this year has been, I’m so glad I’m doing it with all of you.” Leadership can be very lonely when you don’t have a team, and for many of us in ministry, our team is made up of volunteers. And because you don’t have the ability to pay your volunteers, it’s extra important to highlight their value.

So, what is a volunteer worth to you? My initial response is priceless; however, I don’t always treat them as a priority. When we lead ministry leaders through a cohort, volunteers are the second subject we cover (The first is leadership), and that’s because you can’t get far without a team who shares the burden of the vision God has called you to steward. To show value towards your volunteer team, it is critical to:


How much do you know about your team? What sacrifices are they making to be a part of your ministry? What are they passionate about doing with their lives? What drives them each day? These are some of the questions you need to be asking your team because it enables you to build trust. If someone knows that you care enough to ask them about their passions and interests, they will care about helping you with yours.

Make sure you take time in your schedule to sit with your team and share life. If possible, do something fun together and let them into your lives. Investing in one another’s personal lives does take some vulnerability, but it will create a bond that will allow you to take on life’s biggest challenges.


Your leaders want to do well at what they do. If they struggle in the ministry, they’ll lose their joy and move on to something new. If you work to train your team, then start by looking at your own formation. Share the books, podcasts, and articles you absorb. If you come across a workshop, seminar, or conference, see if they are interested in joining you. If you can swing it, pay for their ticket or at least their meal.

As you share, these resources spend time debriefing the content. Ask them for their insight on how they would apply what they learn. When you help your team, you not only get stronger leaders, but you show them that you care about their experience.


Your leaders want to grow, and sometimes that means changing up their roles. Rarely do you find anyone who wants to serve forever in the same capacity. When this happens, it’s important to sit down with them and talk about different ways they can lead. Sometimes this is giving them more responsibility for a program or a specific group of volunteers. It could also mean allowing them to work on a project or area of ministry you don’t have the ability to address.

It might take a little coaching to help them see new ways of serving (and you might have to convince yourself), but it will be a blessing in so many ways. You won’t feel so much of a burden, they’ll be able to attract new leaders, and the impact you have on your mission field will expand. But, before you can help them discern their ministry journey, you have to make sure you are investing in them personally and giving them the resources to see the big picture.


Your volunteers are going to help your ministry create a lot of life change. While you know what that looks like, it might not be obvious to them. First, we have to help our team understand what winning in ministry looks like. To help them see the big picture, share with them stories of life change. Point out what it looks like to succeed so that they are aware of it when it happens.

Also, please encourage them to share the wins they witness. When they do share the successes celebrate alongside them and affirm what they’ve experienced. Your acknowledgment will boost their confidence and assure them that they are headed in the right direction. Your volunteers will feel like they are a part of a movement that is making a difference. Their enthusiasm will be contagious, and that will attract others to your ministry.

Your volunteers are priceless, and we have to show them that they matter. Be sure to express your gratitude and spend time investing in their formation. The healthier and more robust our leaders, the healthier and stronger our ministry will be.

How do you show your team members value and attention?

If you are looking to build a dynamic team of volunteers, check out our MYM U course.

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