Can you count on your friends to give you the insight that will lead you down the right path? Can your friends count on you to do the same? These are the questions we asked in the second week of our series ifriends (Middle School) and Faithbook (High School). I talked about the idea of how there are times where we’ve needed people to give us the right advice and to help us look at the decisions we are making. This idea comes from the bible passage:
Proverbs 18:24 – There are friends who point the way to ruin, others are closer than a brother.
But instead of having the teens look at their friends we challenged them to look at themselves. Can their friends count on them to lead them in the right direction? You know you are giving your friends bad insight when the advice you are giving them:
– Is for your own selfish purpose
– Causes them to sin
– And most importantly if it causes them to stray from God
When you can give someone true and honest insight into their lives they are then given the support to make the right decisions. But the fear of coming off too bossy or pushy can sometimes hinder our insight. So what is the correct way of giving insight? The answer is to do it with love. Listen and love.