Brooklyn Lindsey

There Is No Such Thing As A Side Hustle The YM Transfer Podcast Episode 11 w/ Brooklyn Lindsey

Following God’s call into ministry is 24/7. That doesn’t mean you can’t have boundaries or need time for rest, because God wants the full you. My guest in this episode of the YM Transfer understands the challenge; yet, continues to power through. Brooklyn Lindsey is a speaker, author, and so much more. In this episode, we talk about to discover the true you and how God is calling us to be 100% authentic and transparent in ministry.

A little bit more about Brooklyn

Brooklyn is a mother and wife. With her husband Coy, they lead Somos (which means We Are) a church in Lakeland, Florida. She’s authored six books, lead youth workers throughout the world and is currently working with the Stuff You Can Use Team as their Director of Content Development. She is also the Host of How To Be A Youth Pastor in the Stuff You Can Use Facebook Page (Starting in July), to learn more about Brooklyn click HERE

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