The Most Effective Way To Recruit Volunteers

Whether you need volunteers in a few months or a matter of minutes there is always stress associate with recruiting volunteers.  The good news is that doesn’t have to be the case.

The SECRET IS TO HAVE A STRATEGY and it doesn’t have to be complicated.  If you want to effectively and successful recruit volunteers you need to:


Most time our panic is caused by the unknown.  If you don’t know exactly who you need and how many people you need then any hole is going to seem daunting.  To know your need you need to:

  • Know your ideal ratio of adults to teens.
  • Do an audit of who you have.
  • Create a list of roles and prioritize which need to be filled first.

The more you know about your needs the simpler it will be to address them.  You might find that your need isn’t as great as your fears.


One of the reasons people are reluctant to serve in student ministry is because it seems complicated.  While it can get messy, to get started is really simple.  Instead of looking for catechists or mentors create entry level positions like:

  • Opening the door.
  • Serving food.
  • Setting up chairs.
  • Printing out materials.

Get them serving even if it’s something simple.  Overtime they’ll grow more comfortable and be willing to give a more intense role a chance.


If you love your ministry then you should be talking it up all the time.  You need to be selling youth ministry by sharing it with people you interact with on a regular basis.

Places to share your passion can be at the front door of the church in between service.  At your next parent meeting or walking a teen to their parent’s car after a night of ministry.  Don’t hold back because your passion will attract others to get involved.


The men and women who serve with you care about the ministry’s health.  Tap into their passion for the ministry by asking them to share it with others.

Have each member of your team identify at least one person they know that might be interested in serving.  Create an event or make time to meet with these potential volunteers.  They will be able to reach people you have yet to meet.


Make sure you review your recruiting systems regularly.  How you ask, when you ask and who you ask is important.  Everything needs to be intentional.  Make sure you:

  • Identify the target audience.
  • Track seasons where people are more likely to say yes.
  • Make sure your intentions aren’t one sided.  

These people are going to be a part of your team.  You not only want them to commit to the time, but to you as well.  Make sure your strategy isn’t just an afterthought.


There is a lot on your plate as a youth minister, but recruiting others needs to be at the top of your list.  Yes, you need to get others on board, but never stop asking, inviting and sharing with others the vision of your ministry.

Also make sure it’s a part of your prayers.  Pray for the right people and ask God to give you opportunities where you can invite someone to serve.  He will always give you what you need, you just have to ask.

If you want to reduce the stress that you have when it comes to recruiting volunteers you need to have an intentional strategy.  The more you make it a part of your culture, the more success you will find.

[reminder]  What have you found successful when it comes to recruiting volunteers? [/reminder]

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