Technology Driven Youth Ministry

I’m someone who spends a decent amount of time with technology for blogging, work and personal use. It’s a tool that I’ve utilized to better my life and it’s something that has created tension. It’s a tool that helps me greatly; yet, also consumes much of my life. As I grow to understand the fast and limitless world of technology I realize it’s important to have boundaries and a purpose behind how I use it. I’m always learning new things.

Not too long ago there was a divide amongst youth workers whether to embrace or reject the growing online and social media community. Part of the push back was because of the slippery slope online use can lead us to. While technology can accelerate you towards success or failure, it’s also a reality that youth ministers need to embrace. To utilize and better understand technology and it’s role in your youth ministry you need to:

  • Lean In: Do not fear it’s overwhelming nature. You need to get out there and play around with it. Spend time observing how others use it, take tutorials and ask avid users why they use what they use. The more you put yourself it the world of technology the more you’ll understand how to utilize pieces of it.
  • Get Ahead Of The Curve: Do not be afraid to experiment with technology in your ministry. If you can create a trend you have the capability of changing it’s landscape. YouVersion Bible has a great story about getting ahead of the curve during the launch of apps when smart phones were first released. Do not be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to using technology.
  • Educate Them: If you are going to utilize technology make sure you are helping teens learn about it’s consequences. Technology is just like money where it’s a tool that can be used for good and bad. Bring in speakers who can talk about safely using it. Use it as an example in your messages about margin, idols or relationships. Make sure they are not just taking it for granted.
  • Bring Along Parents: It’s important to empower parents when it comes to technology. Their teens are going to be using it before some of them even knows it exists. Keep parents informed through emails, newsletters or workshops. By keeping parents educated, they’ll trust that you are looking out for them.

Technology can be a scary thing; however, it doesn’t need to be. Take the time to learn, ask questions and lean into it’s world. It’s where this next generation is growing and exploring, walk with them through it. Show them that God is present in their world.

How do you utilize technology in your ministry?

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