
Steps To Disciple Volunteers

It breaks my heart every time a volunteer leaves because he or she felt that they “Weren’t Needed“.  I would always feel like I let them down. I wondered, Did I give them enough responsibility?” So, I gave them tasks and jobs to perform.  It would help for a short period of time; however, same results.  They grew bored and feel useless.  When it comes to leading your team it’s not about assigning tasks you need to disciple your volunteers.

Without the men and women who serve by your side you would not reach teenagers, serve their families and mobilize this next generation.

When it comes to serving in the trenches of youth ministry every one matters.  
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Unfortunately, it’s easy to forget that youth ministry is not only tough for you, it’s also difficult for your volunteers.  That’s why you need to disciple them.  You need to prepare them for the long haul and you do that by:

  • Challenging Them To Grow: Just as your teens need to grow in their faith, so do your volunteers.  Challenge them to engage in spiritual habits (i.e. scripture) and work on their relationship with Christ.  Give them the resources you use to grow.  Disciple them by reminding them to follow Christ.  
  • Connecting Them In Community: If you plug your ministers into small groups you’ll extend your capacity to shepherd and care for them.  In small groups your volunteers will be prayed for and held accountable to be disciples of Christ.  If your church doesn’t have small groups for adults look at forming ones just for your team.  Build them spiritually by building the community.
  • Invest In Them Long Term: Make sure you invest in your team through your budget and schedule.  Take them to lunch or even a conference.  Teach them your trade, and help them see all the work that goes into your world.  Disciple them one on one and watch their investment in the church grow.
  • Give Them Purpose: When your volunteers lose sight of their purpose they’ll walk away.  A disciple needs purpose and you give it to them by casting a vision for their role.  Let them know why the ministry exists and why they are an intricate role.  Share stories of success and give them your dreams.  Show them why they matter to your ministry and God’s Kingdom.

Disciple your volunteers and watch your ministers grow.  You will not only build depth but width in your ministry core.  When a volunteer feels valued they’ll step up when you need to step back.  When you disciple one of your ministers you remind them that they matter and without them you can only go so far.

How do you disciple your volunteers?

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