Staying in the Flow

I just got done putting together this Sunday’s message for the Resurrection (7th/8th grade) and Uprising (High School) programs. It’s kind of a liberating feeling knowing that I really don’t have to write a message until September, but then again it’s also sad. I was getting into a groove of busting one message out after another and that felt great because I was in a flow. As I’ve written before the question of extending our programs has been in my mind and I know another reason for doing extending would help me keep that groove. When we have a break in program I get “out of shape” with my writing.
Our staff retreat is next week and we’ll be planning out a year’s worth of message series, so when we get back I can start writing again. We do have some of the themes picked, but until we flesh them out a little more I really can’t start working on writing a message series. In the meantime I’m working on values, vision and goals of the youth ministry. Gotta keep that groove.

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