
Special Treatment For Volunteers

Today we are welcoming hundreds of church workers to our Matter Conference.  It’s really exciting to meet other men and women in the trenches.  There is a bit of solidarity that comes with an experience like this.  This is when you are reminded that you aren’t alone and it feels good.  But it shouldn’t end at a conference.  Every part of your ministry should be filled with affirmation where staff and volunteers feel special.

Any ministry can be brutal.  It’s brutal because it’s about relationships.  It’s hard because it gets personal really quick.  As an employee you might feel like you are the only one in the battle field; however, don’t forget about your volunteers.  While it’s important for you to receive affirmation, it’s just as important that you help them feel special too.  if you want to build up your volunteers so that they can endure the marathon of ministry be sure to:

  • Write Them A Note: Writing out a card takes a little bit of time; however, it shows a great bit of heart.  Even if it’s just a thank you, sending a written note to a volunteer will remind them that they are appreciative.  Try to make this a weekly habit.  Every time you see them do something great, bust out the pen and paper.
  • Praise Them Publicly: At the next meeting give them a shoutout to make them feel special.  Don’t embarrass them; however, give them a confidence boost by telling everyone how wonderfully they are.  You will not only boost their ego but create a culture of outward appreciation.
  • Invest In Them Personally: How well do you know your team?  Take some time to get to know them, their family, hobbies, likes and dislikes.  They’ll see your investment, build trust in you and eventually return the favor.  Again, build a culture where investing in one another is important and special.
  • Pray For Them: It’s easy to forget that your volunteers are battling life like your teens.  Make sure that as you pray for your ministry you consistently pray for the men and women who sacrifice to be with you.  You are not only their leader, but shepherd helping them grow in Christ through ministry.

Affirm your volunteers by treating them special.  Let them know you care about them.  Build them up, especially when they are down so that they can be with you every step of the journey.

How do you treat your volunteers special? 


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